MY VILLA IN ST BARTH REAL ESTATE (SASU MY VILLA IN ST BARTH REAL ESTATE), is a Real-Estate company registered in the Basse-Terre RCS under No. 813 347 606, with its registered office in Colombier, 97133 SAINT- BARTHÉLEMY, whose sole shareholder and founder is Mrs MONIQUE TURBE, Holder of the professional real estate agent card “Transaction on buildings and commercial funds” CPI No. 9771 2015 000001 437 issued by the Professional Economic Chamber of Saint-Barthélemy. 

Financial guarantees: GALIAN No. 120 137 405, 7 rue de la Boétie, 75008 PARIS. 
Subject in particular to the Hoguet Law of 2 January 1970 and Decree of 20 July 1972 


Our listed prices are inclusive of agency fees, at the seller’s cost.
We are asking fees from sellers in the maximal amount of 10% of the sale price. These fees apply to the sales of villas, apartments, land, business, commercial premises, company shares (applicable from November 1st, 2022).


Our listed prices are inclusive of agency fees, at the owner’s cost.
Fees vary from owners in the range of 15 to 25% of the weekly rental rate. Funds are collected by the agent on behalf of the owner.
When the booking is made through a third party (travel agent, OTA...), the agency applies a 10% administrative fee on the weekly rate and paid by the client (applicable from November 1st, 2022).


  • Article 123: (Amended by deliberation no. 2019-027 CT of 28.03.2019)
    A visitor's tax is levied on people staying in the local authority's territory for a fee.
  • Article 124: (Amended by deliberation n° 2019-027 CT of 28.03.2019 and n° 2019-085 CT of 20.12.2019)
    The tax is based on the actual invoiced price of overnight stays, excluding ancillary services, in particular catering, whatever the number of people accommodated, the type and category of accommodation.
    The tourist tax rate is set at 5%.
    In the case of a deposit or advance payment, the tax is payable when the customer pays for the service.
    Tourist tax is collected for the period from January 1 to December 31 by landlords, hoteliers, owners or other intermediaries, referred to in the present code as "tax collectors".



Discover the hidden treasures and beauties of St‑Barths
Exclusive and inspected villas for the best experience
Availability 7d/7
Our local team is available anytime, whatever you wish
Premium service
Tailored services with our dedicated concierge